Monday, April 21, 2008

Playing in Traffik

Well, we had an interesting time at Friday's show in Pasadena. The event as a whole was a success-- great turnout for a show raising awareness about human trafficking. If you dont know, slavery is still an issue today. It's just as prevalent as it was BEFORE the Civil War (or war between the states, if you will).

We had a great turnout from OSA fans... THANKS!!

It's always interesting to me (Patrick, that is) that with very few exceptions, live performances fall into two categories:

1. Poor sound check, great performance
2. Great sound check, poor performance

Unfortunately, Friday night was (in our humble opinion) part of the latter. But we still had a good time (despite the hell-wraith in the speakers) and enjoyed seeing many of our fans at the show. Here are some pics from our first outdoor gig as the new-look One Silver Astronaut.

They're both hott, and they are both musicians!

CJ, just before he counts us off for 'Starry Eyed'
Shane and Paula trying to act candidly
Wyatt, our residential frosting man
Gabe is so into it, that sometimes he forgets we're sound-checking
And sometimes I'm so into it, I forget that I'm supposed to be playing bass guitar...

Thanks guys!


At 9:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your iPhone takes great candid pictures! Yay for iPhone!!!!!!!!!!!!

At 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The photo of Paula making fun of Gabriel's hair is HILARIOUS!!!!! I snorted for a good ten minutes. Priceless Patrick, just priceless.


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