Sunday, April 06, 2008

"We are really good!" --CJ Martin

Hey all! Thanks for checking out our blog-xperiment. Patrick here, again. I hope that you are midly entertained while reading my prose. Commments are now open to anyone, so shoot us a word! Also, scroll way down for some goofy pictures that may start a rumor that paula is/is not prego...

Tonight we did the music at the Mosaic gathering and it went really well. Beyond snare breaks, pick drops, broken headphones, funky pedals and uncontrollable laughter we played with our hearts on our sleeves and had a wonderful night. (Pics from tonight are at the bottom of the post!)

A few thoughts about tonight: As a person who comes out to see our shows: THANK YOU! You are the reason that we practice, play and devote so much time to this silver astronaut thing. After the gathering a girl pulled me aside and complimented our playing. I had to compliment her in return-- she was dancing. Seeing the visible effects of our connection with you the fan is just about the greatest thing that can happen to us on stage.

Secondly, thank you for being so encouraging. Whether its here on blogger, myspace, or in person, so many of you throw nice words are way. that roxxors

So what are we up to now? What's new for the band? What do you have to look foward to? How about shows, new songs and remixes?! Is that enough?

I posted our next two shows on my previous post, so check that out. We also are toying around with a new funky/rockin' version of "Bandaid for a Fracture," that began as a mock-jam and is now our collective favorite. Finally, rumor has it that CJ and Shane have collaborated and spawned an epic masterpiece. Think "The End" by The Doors meets "Stairway to Heaven" by Zeppelin. Yeah, at least that's what I've been told.

Well thats it! Thanks for checking out the onesilverblog. Here's the pics!



and again!


a candid pic


and another weird one


our band mom. I saw her twin today :D


At 10:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the updates! You guys rocked last night and I am digging the new "Bandaid for a Fracture." Patrick, I love the candid pictures. Keep up the great work!


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